Notice of Special Meeting



(the “Society”)


The Board of Directors of the Society is calling a Special Meeting (the “Meeting”) to consider a special resolution, that must be passed by at least 3/4 of the votes cast by the Members present, to authorize the Directors to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the City of North Vancouver and to authorize the Directors to negotiate an offer to lease and a lease for new premises under Bylaw 7.4 of the Bylaws of the Society. The Meeting will be held on Monday July 19, 2021 at 1:00 pm at Silver Harbour Seniors’ Activity Centre, 144 East 22nd Street, North Vancouver British Columbia V7L 4L5 and on Zoom.  In order to register for the Meeting, please phone 604-980-2474 to attend in person or e-mail [email protected] to attend by Zoom.

The business at the Meeting will be to consider the following special resolution:


(a)  The Society enter into a non-binding memorandum of understanding (the “MOU”) with the Corporation of the City of North Vancouver (the “City”) on such terms and conditions as the Directors approve, that sets out the key terms by which the City will exercise its option to acquire the Society’s fee simple title to the lands and premises legally described as PID 007-711-280 Lot C Block 207 District Lot 545 Plan 15014 having a civic address of 144 East 22nd Street North Vancouver B.C. in consideration for granting the Society a 99-year lease on a portion of a building which will be located in the new Harry Jerome Community Recreation Centre (the “Transaction”);

(b)  The Directors are authorized on behalf of the Society to:

(i)  negotiate the terms and conditions of, and execute, under the seal of the Society or otherwise and deliver all documents required to carry out the Transaction, including but not limited to an offer to lease, a sublease and a 99 year lease of a portion of the building in the New Centre;

(ii)  to deliver the executed documents to the City; and

(iii)  to take all further action as may be required to bring into effect the Transaction and the dispositions and acquisitions authorized under these resolutions.

A copy of the MOU is available for request after July 1, 2021. Members can request a copy by e-mail to [email protected] or in person at Silver Harbour Seniors’ Activity Centre, 144 East 22nd Street, North Vancouver British Columbia V7L 4L5.

Dated: June 25, 2021

Richard Gauntlett, President

Silver Harbour Seniors’ Activity Centre Society, Board of Directors