Come to the Silver Harbour Spring Market on Saturday, May 6th at 10:30 am. Admission is free. Shop for handmade crafts, visit our Coronation Tea...
Silver Harbour Welcomes ElderCollege Programs
Silver Harbour would like to warmly welcome ElderCollege programs to our Centre. North Shore ElderCollege has made the difficult decision to wind...
Come to our Christmas Market!
Click here for all the detailsDownload
Directors Report – 2022 AGM
You can download the entire report below. DownloadDownload
Notice of AGM
You are invited to attend the Silver Harbour Seniors’ Activity Centre Society Annual General Meeting as follows: Monday September 12th, 2022 1:00 pm...
Silver Harbour is closed for the holidays!
Silver Harbour will be closed from Wednesday, December 23rd to Monday, January 3rd, re-opening at 9 am on Tuesday, January 4th. See you in the new...
Notice of AGM
Dear Silver Harbour Member, You are invited to attend the Silver Harbour Seniors’ Activity Centre Society Annual General Meeting as follows: Monday...
Notice of Special Meeting
SILVER HARBOUR SENIORS’ ACTIVITY CENTRE SOCIETY (the “Society”) NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING The Board of Directors of the Society is calling a Special...
Our Christmas Pop Up Shop is open!
Come do your Christmas shopping at our amazing new Christmas Pop Up Shop, open weekdays 11 am to 1 pm, at Silver Harbour. COVID-19 protocols in...
Covid-19 Update
Silver Harbour is offering nearly all of our pre-COVID programming as well as some new activities -- please see our latest newsletter for more...